Tap into the wisdom around you.
The Collective Genius is a distinctive and entrepreneurial research, marketing and business strategy firm. We specialize in stimulating innovation, driving transformation and fostering productive conversations. Our goal? Help brands and organizations grow, deepen and incite true commitment from those you most need to reach. Design-thinking techniques, digital technologies, social media, asset framing and best practices in collaborative decision-making are just some of the tools we use to set our work — and your results — apart.
See The Collective Genius at Work

Active Listening
- Strategic Planning Facilitation
- Focus Group Moderation
- Survey Research Direction
- Research Analysis and Application
- Convening Critical Conversations

Effective Talking
- Branding
- Strategic Marketing/Messaging
- Content Creation
- Media Relations
- Digital and Social Media Integration

Forward Thinking
- Secondary Research and Market Scans
- Positioning for Current and Future Audiences
- Competitive Reviews
- Community Impact Analysis